Clarendon Coaching

Issue 9: Organisation “How can we afford the costs of Coaching & Mentoring?” Coach “How can you afford NOT to?”

Here is a question I get asked a lot about Coaching & Mentoring:

“How can I afford the costs of Coaching & Mentoring?”

Here is my answer! “How can you afford NOT to!”

The costs of Coaching & Mentoring are an investment in your Colleague, your Team, your System, your Organisation and your Stakeholders! By the time you have employed someone in, say, a Group Finance role, the costs are already probably over £100,000 – search fee, salary, pension, employers NIC, benefits package.

Ask yourself the question about when was the last time you invested in a completely bespoke intervention with a colleague, a bespoke intervention that they will absolutely value, and one which will benefit everyone concerned?

And no, I do not mean those generic strategy away days, where everybody puts on a blindfold and gets told to build a raft or something equally meaningless! Karaoke is also equally pointless btw.

By investing in Coaching & Mentoring:

1. The Individual receives a deeply personal level of support.

2. The Team, and the System, will benefit from this.

3. The Organisation will benefit.

4. The Individual will grow as a Person, benefiting everybody concerned.

5. The Stakeholders will benefit.

And the costs of Coaching & Mentoring are a fraction of the annual cost of the Individual as well.

I will ask the question again “How can you afford NOT to invest in Coaching & Mentoring?”