Clarendon Coaching

Issue 8: Working From Home – Here To Stay, Or Some Shades Of Grey?

This week, I comment in response to the media comment today by Lord Stuart Rose in the UK, a former Chair of leading UK Retailers Marks & Spencer, and ASDA.

His opinion is that Working From Home “is not proper work”.

So, can it really be nearly 5 years since a good deal of the developed world held its breath, and was forced to discover whether we could, or could not, really function from the comfort of our homes?

For me, it was no real change. I already worked a hybrid role, and it was working well. For others, it was a new experience. And I was fortunate, an empty-nester with plenty of space. What about those who were/are less fortunate?

Of course there are advantages and disadvantages, too many to go into in depth in 2-3 minutes.

However, my conclusion is that we have proven it CAN be done, but that a hybrid model is the best way forward, but even that will not be for everyone.

As one of my Clarendon Chronicles Podcast Guests said to me “Business is about people!”. Hence, we need to engage with people! And that can be fairly difficult over Zoom & Teams!

What WFH does do is open up enormously the workplace to those who simply cannot work in an office or equivalent, or get to a location, but ARE able to contribute equally.

I think we were given a major jolt 5 years ago, and we all adapted amazingly well. Now is the time for refinement of those policies, when we are no longer at the mercies of a global pandemic, and we can make rational choices!